Install the Google Play Store on any Huawei Device (2021) In just 5mins

Install the Google Play Store on any Huawei Device (2021) In just 5mins

This is how to install google play store on any Huawei device in 2021 & it's so easy. You can do it in 5 minutes without a usb stick or computer. At the time of this video, this might be the fastest & safest way to get #GooglePlay apps on a #Huawei device to date. Check it out & don't forget to subscribe for more Huawei content coming soon.

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Sony Xperia Mark II - The Compact is back?

Sony Xperia Mark II - The Compact is back?

Word has been leaked on the Xperia 5 Mark II & it rumours of the release date has surfaced. In this video we take a look at the leaks and run through the specs we should expect from #Sony. Check it out & consider subscribing if you enjoy the content. Don't forget to answer the questions about the #Xperia5ii

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